About AI Hub

AI Hub is a digital community platform for professionals, researchers and experts who are working in AI field or interested to know more about AI technologies in the United Arab Emirates. The aim is to promote AI potentials and its impact in different industries and the way people work today.

It will influence organizations in government and private sectors to adapt the change concept in their work context. AI Hub will help members to learn, debate and connect with like-minded professionals. AI Hub will help organizations to benefit from the advanced AI technologies that have:

The power of solving complex problems

Connectivity and instant access to information

Saving time and making life easier for products or services

Replicate the cognitive abilities of human beings


Routinized jobs to do on a daily basis

Manual Data Entry

Given the enormous amount of data that’s generated by companies and individuals, the job category of data entry clerk won’t be going anywhere.

Data Analysis

Working on large volume of data to derive meaningful value is often overwhelming, inhibiting human ability to find adequate solutions in a timely manner.

Products and Services

Booking appointments, product recommendations, service interactions, relevant offers, hiring and training costs and managing customers information.


AI can fix a number of challenges in different industries

Advanced Data Analytics

AI can spot patterns and make trades within a second. It can analyze and process the complex graph data relationships and retrieve various information from it at once.     

Image Processing

AI can produce numerical or symbolic information from images and high-dimensional data. It involves machine learning, data mining, database knowledge discovery and pattern recognition. 

Language Processing

AI can understand natural languages and interact with us by reading, writing, listening and speaking. By processing the data from these interactions, it continuously learns and improves itself.

AI Revolution

Bridging the gap between what humans are capable of

and what is actually possible.

It will run across industries to take over basic tasks from people,
seamlessly interacting with our daily lives.

How it works

AI Ecosystem has a framework that covers all essential AI models to run in the system.

1. AI & ML Infrastructure

It has the technologies that are broad and general in helping to develop and implement AI, machine learning, and the broad range of cognitive technologies.

2. AI Enabling Technologies

It has the tools, technologies, vendors, and solutions are specifically and only adapted for AI, ML, and cognitive technology applications. We will establish an incentivizing mechanism numquam eius modi tempora, incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat volup tatem.

3. Horizontal Applications of AI

It contains the specific applications of AI to particular problem areas. 

4. Industry Applications of AI

It covers a wide range of application types from different vendors in the industries.

Creative & Cultural Industries in UAE

Boosting the economy of cultural and creative sectors in local institutions and organizations by utilizing the power of Artificial Intelligence.

AI technologies support diverse environments and scale to meet development needs for overall productivity and performance.

Attracting Investors and Funders
Professionals in the industry
Guidance, training and Consultancy
Opportunities and Partnerships


AI is expected to leave a positive economic footprint. The following are key artificial intelligence market statistics that you should know.

182 Billion Dollar UAE Economy Boost
3 Billion Dollar UAE Government Savings
37 Billion Dollar Impact on UAE financial services
190 Billion Dollar AI industry growth by 2025
57.6 Billion Dollar Global spending on AI systems by 2021
96 Billion Dollar in UAE Gross Domestic Product

Benefits of AI Adoption

The forecast annual growth rate of the AI market
of executives say AI tools have boosted productivity
of executives say AI will make work easier and more efficient


Download the whitepaper and learn about AI.

AI Technologies
Creative Industry
AI-Driven Creativity
Creative Technology


Visualizing the AI’s strategy that is aligned with the organization objectives is crucial, while incorporating customer insights for future developments.

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